European Heritage Days 2016

Culture is participation

Cultural exhibitions and events

Like every year, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities adheres to the European Heritage Days (EHD), promoted in 1991 by the Council of Europe and the European Commission with the aim to strengthen and promote dialogue and in the cultural exchange between European nations. It is an occasion of great importance to reaffirm the central role of culture in the dynamics of the Italian society.

An initiative which, as has become tradition, joins also many places of culture among non-state municipal museums, municipalities, galleries, foundations and private associations, building a cultural offer extremely varied, with a calendar of nearly a thousand events.

An extraordinary choral narrative that gives a good idea of ​​the richness and dimension "spread" of the National Cultural Heritage: from the more known to the less known of the great museums of excellence that nearly every country can boast of and should be enhanced.


The edition  #GEP2016 , on the initiative of the Council of Europe,  focuses on the topic “Culture is participation”, according to the statement of the Faro Convention (2005). It would be desirable that the Italian Parliament ratified it soon, since this Convention is based on the idea that knowledge and use of heritage form part of the citizen’s right to participate in cultural life as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



Admissions to the museums :

organization: Provincia autonoma di Trento Soprintendenza per i Beni culturali - Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo

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