Filarmonica di Trento - Season 2020
a wide and articulated series of meetings with the infinite creativity of music

A wide and articulated series of meetings with the infinite creativity of music.
The protagonists, among which Isabelle Faust, Renaud Capuçon, Antje Weithaas, Sayaka Shoji, Mendelssohn, the Hagen brothers, Modigliani, Arold, Fiesole, Sabyne Mayer..., are all really absolutely charismatic and fascinating characters in their specific instrumental fields.
Lorenzo Arnoldi, President
Antonio Carlini, Art director
full price ticket € 25,
reduced price ticket over 65 years old: € 20; under 30 years old: € 15
University students € 8 (with student's card)
Share (subscribers only) € 10
Season ticketsSeason tickets
Season tickets: from Monday 16 December, at the office in via Verdi 30, or per mail, or by phone: 0461.985244.
Full price season tickets
Whole season € 200
Spring € 140
Autumn € 120
Reduced price season tickets
Whole season € 170
Spring € 120
Autumn € 100
Information about presale tickets