Grand Tour of Anaunia

Book exhibition on the Valle di Non and exhibition of late nineteenth and early twentieth-century pictures

exhibition , Bibliographic exhibition , Photographic exhibition
Grand Tour d'Anaunia []

The exhibition includes two sections and is hosted in the prestigious halls of the four floors of the Palazzo Assessorile.

The first section, entitled “Anaunia'sbooks. The first book exhibition on the Valle di Non” and organised by Lucia Barison and Walter Iori, presents a considerable selection of books related to this valley.

Antique and recent books, but also some parchments of considerable importance: the exhibition is the occasion to launch a project of bibliographic collection, which will be promoted also on the municipal website. This database, interesting for students, scholars and researchers, will be periodically updated, also at the prompting of users.

The second section, entitled “Pictures of Anaunia. The pioneers of photography in Valle di Non”, organised by Roberto Pancheri, brings visitors to the origins of photography in the Anuania area, through a unique tour.

The first part presents the photo campaign realised in the valley in 1895 by Otto Schmidt, owner of a studio with a publishing house in Vienna. The second part will be focused on the story of the first photo studio of the valley, founded in Cles by the Paduan Giuseppe Domenico Pavanello and operative until the mid 1920s. Other protagonists of this story are Giovanni Battista Untervegher from Trento, Josef Gugler from Bolzano, Albino Zanon and Francesco Covi from Piemonte and the amateur photographer Catina Moggio from Cles. 1000 catalogues concerning this section will be printed and edited by Roberto Pancheri.

The programme is much broader and, besides the exhibition, includes a series of events, whose agenda is shown below.

organization: Amministrazione comunale di Cles, in collaborazione con l’Associazione culturale Giovanni Battista Lampi di Fondo.

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