Ortinparco 2015

12th edition of the celebration dedicated to vegetable gardens and to gardens. The theme of this year is called "Orti di luce" ("Vegetable gardens of light")

Cultural exhibitions and events
[ www.ripristino.provincia.tn.it]

Ortinparco is the 12th edition of the celebration dedicated to anything related to vegetable gardens and connected issues. It will take place in Levico Terme, from 24 to 26 April, at “Parco delle Terme”. This Hapsburg park is the symbol of the thermal village: it was created at the beginning of the XX century, when Levico Terme was the favourite holiday destination of the Austro-Hungarian nobility; it covers an area of 12 hectares and hosts majestic, local and exotic trees.
The aim is to reproduce the memory of farming and culture traditions, to restore in a creative way agricultural wisdom and artisanal knowledge, in order to enhance the vegetable garden by suggesting it not only as a rural activity and a cultivated green area, but also as a great occasion of sociability and culture.

The theme of this year is called "Orti in luce" ("Vegetable garden in light"): the United Nations have proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015), a global initiative to sensitize all the inhabitants of our planet on the importance of light and its technologies. Light is a property for everyone and it plays an essential role in human activities, in culture and science.

Ortinparco, which is organized by the “Servizio per il Sostegno Occupazionale e la Valorizzazione Ambientale” ( Environmental Agency) of the Autonomous Province of Trento, is about to prepare about thirty vegetable garden-gardens and is organizing trade and sale of phloxes, horticultural plants and products originated and transformed by farmers, farms and artisanal companies.

The rich cultural programme offers original, creative laboratories for both children and adults, but also seminars initiatives, musical and theatrical shows. There will also be a coloured peasants’ local market, craftmanship and old crafts. Furthermore, people can visit exhibitions related to the theme.

For the occasion, some restaurants of Levico Terme will offer several gastronomic specialities with original delicacies made with vegetables and early produce. 

organization: P.A.T. Servizio per il Sostegno Occupazionale e la Valorizzazione Ambientale

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