Theatre Seasons

2015/2016 season is starting: Gene Gnocchi, Isabella Ragonese and Paola Turci. Prose, reading and a lot of music at Teatro Valle dei Laghi

Cultural exhibitions and events

Live music is at the heart of the new programme: musical and concerts, among which stands out the live show of Paola Turci, who is also the protagonist of the new section “Incontri con l'autore” with the writer Andrea Vitali.
Five prose performances, from a Recital by Gene Gnocchi to the social reading by Isabella Ragonese, and furthermore Comedians and Wonde Woman. Confirmed also this year the school and families fairs, dance and cinema.
Teatro Valle dei Laghi
Via Stoppani, loc. Lusan Vezzano (TN) - Tel 0461/ 340158 - - 

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