Theatre season 2016 - 2017

Dance , Drama , Music

For all updates and possible variations in the programme see the official website:

Twenty titles on the playbill, of which fifteen in Trento and five in Rovereto, for as many theatrical performances that range from the classics to the most outstanding expressions of contemporary prose. The Theatre season 2016 - 2017 of the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara includes 51 performances at the Teatro Sociale of Trento, 12 at the Teatro  “Cuminetti” and 5 at the Auditorium “Melotti” of Rovereto.

Great performers, highly prestigious theatre directors and immortal acting scripts form a playbill that, comprising GRANDE PROSA (The Great Prose) and ALTRE TENDENZE (Other Trends), aims at repeating last year's success in Trento.

With artistic consultant Marco Bernardi, the Teatro “Sociale” has regained its centrality in the city's artistic schedule. Yet, just like last year, the opening of the season will take place at the Teatro “Cuminetti” with "La cucina" ("The kitchen") by Arnold Wesker, performed by the newborn Compagnia Regionale, composed of professionals who were born in Trentino - Alto Adige and who live here.


Subscriptions can be renewed starting from 10 September.

New season tickets can be bought from 1 October.

The cost for ten shows of Grande Prosa is 170 € (for the best seats). Young people can access the gallery for  only 40 €.

“Sabato a teatro” ("Saturday at the theatre") ranges from 150 € (per season) to 35 € for the young people.

A single admission ticket costs 25 € for the best seats.

Tickets can also be bought online:  /  or  (without adding fees).

organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara

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