Theatre season: youth theatre

With its rich schedule of performances and shows, the youth theatre in Trento celebrates this year its 25th birthday

Drama - suitable for children

With its rich schedule of performances and shows, the youth theatre in Trento celebrates this year its 25th birthday

Two different seasons - «Anch'io a teatro con mamma e papà» ("Me too at the theatre with mum and dad") and «Scappo a teatro» ("Off to theatre") – for a total of twenty-eight shows, of which 25 playing at the Cuminetti Theatre and three at the Sambàpolis Theatre.

Furthermore, workshops, meetings and a rich schedule of events devoted to the Rights of the Child.


Season ticket «Anch'io a teatro con mamma e papà» ("Me too at the theatre with mum and dad") on Saturday or on Sunday: € 30 (seats aren't numbered)

Tickets «Anch'io a teatro con mamma e papà» ("Me too at the theatre with mum and dad"):

- full price ticket € 6

- reduced price ticket  (children aged 3-12) € 4 ;free admission from the fourth child


Ticket «Scappo a teatro» ("Off to theatre"): € 5 (“La luna del lupo”, i.e. “The wolf’s moon” € 6)

organization: Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara

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