Trento, Christmas city

Cultural exhibitions and events

Warm lights and scents, the wooden houses and the fairy-tale atmosphere of Christmas

Trento's Christmas Market has been greatly appreciated now for twenty years and this year it will double its offer.

The 22nd edition will see the 92 wooden huts in two historic squares: Piazza Fiera and Piazza Cesare Battisti. It will open on 21 November and close on 6 January 2016. One great market on two communicating squares with one intent: that to confirm Trento as a true Christmas city. A winning mix of local craftsmanship, oenology and gastronomy in the best alpine tradition.

Piazza Dante will welcome children and their families with much entertainment, recreational activities, creative and educational workshops; in the city centre, vocal groups, town bands and mountain choirs will perform their music here and there.


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