dicastelincastello 2016 (from castle to castle 2016)

Discovering the history of Trentino

Cultural exhibitions and events
[ © Castello del Buonconsiglio]


The 2016 edition of the summer festival "dicastelincastello” (“from castle to castle”) takes inspiration from the introductory sentence of the first canto of the Orlando Furioso by Lodovico Ariosto - "The women, the knights, the arms, the loves, the courtesies, the daring feats I sing".

The festival, organised by the Centro Servizi culturali S. Chiara in collaboration with the Castello del Buonconsiglio - provincial monuments and collections - and with the municipalities of Besenello, Caldes, Stenico and Ton, takes visitors on a journey over three centuries to discover the history of Trentino, by visiting its main four castles.

The historical re-enactments, though part of a European context, will feature several peculiar aspects of Trentino, from the settings to the costumes.

What’s more, in all four castles the local gastronomic tradition will enrich the programme of events, so that visitors may have the chance to enjoy an entire day at the castle.

The fourteenth-century courtly love will be celebrated at Castel Caldes in Val di Sole; military life of the sixteenth century and the warriors’ daring feats will be reenacted at Castel Beseno; hunting and falconry of the fifteenth century will be on stage at Castel Stenico, and finally games and entertainment at court from the seventeenth century will enthrall and involve visitors at Castel Thun.

organization: Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara, in collaboration with Castello del Buonconsiglio – provincial monuments and collections - and with the municipalities of Besenello, Caldes, Stenico and Ton.

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