Trentino history museum foundation, the Tunnels of Piedicastello

A place dedicated to telling and representing the past, history and memory of Trentino and beyond.

Le Gallerie di Piedicastello: two former highway tunnels that were reconverted into a history museum in 2008. 

Today the Tunnels of Piedicastello are a place dedicated to telling and representing the past, history and memory of Trentino and beyond. Since their conversion, they are being curated and managed by the Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino (Trentino history museum foundation).

One tunnel is white, the other is black: two contrasting shades for two different exhibition itineraries.

The White Tunnel provides facilities for events, temporary exhibitions and training activities. This is the place where the emotions raised in the black tunnel are described.

The Black Tunnel hosts large and evocative installations which have a strong visual impact.

The Galleries are not a traditional museum; they are a laboratory and a place of participation. A cultural space where the most diverse languages interact to promote knowledge of history, to arouse curiosity and to raise questions.


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