Artificial Biology
A beer with Martin Hanczyc

My talk will focus on creating new technologies that lie between living and nonliving systems.
I will give examples from our laboratory of artificial life experiments that appear to be alive.
Through building such synthetic systems, we can observe and examine dynamic life-like properties that emerge in simple and complex experiments.
I will present some of our experimental systems from simple chemical droplets with life like behaviors to large-scale international architectural exhibitions.
Each of these examples possesses certain aspects of living systems to be discussed.
Martin Hanczyc | CIBIO, Università degli Studi di Trento
Martin Hanczyc is the director of the Lab for Artificial Biology at CIBIO (Univ. of Trento) and Professor at the Univ. of New Mexico, USA. He was an Associate Prof. at the Institute of Physics&Chemistry at the Univ. of Southern Denmark & Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Bartlett School of Architecture, College London & Chief Chemist at the biotech company ProtoLife. He actively develops outreach activities by giving public lectures & collaborating with architects, artists in exhibitions worldwide including the 2010 Biennale in Venice to bring experiments out of the lab & into the public space.
Evento in lingua inglese
organizzazione: Pint Of Science