Around the streets of Trento on the trail of Simonino

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour
[ Museo diocesano tridentino]

Around the streets of Trento on the trail of Simonino is a guided tour with artistic -historic focus on the places which are related to Simonino's case.


Events calendar

Saturday 28 May, at 10 – From the basilica to the cathedral: history of a church and of its square

Saturday 4 June, at 10 –  Around the streets of Trento on the trail of Simonino

Saturday 11 June, at 10 – The venues of the Council in Trento

Saturday 18 June, at 10 – Andrea Pozzo in Trento andthe church of San Francesco Saverio


Tridentine Diocesan Museum

Piazza Duomo, 18 (Cathedral Square) - 38122 Trento

tel. 0461.234419

To join the initiative it is necessary to book by calling at the number 0461.234419 within 17.00 on Friday (day before the meeting). It is possible to join one or more itineraries. 

The cost of each meeting is 5 Euros per person.

organization: Museo Diocesano Tridentino