Ensemble Concert d’amis

46th Sacred Music Festival


Ensemble Concert d’amis

  • Arianna Stornello, soprano
  • Daniela Godio,violin
  • Ubaldo Rosso, flute
  • Roberto Bevilacqua, viol
  • Walter Mammarella, harpsichord
    "Variety revives the spirit" - Tribute to G. Ph. Telemann
  • G. Ph. Telemann Parisian Quartet in G major. Sacred songs for soprano, violin or flute and b. c. From "Harmonischer Gottesdienst": Erster Advent: "Erwachet zum Kriegen" "Ew'ge Quelle, milder Strom" "Oculi: Wandelt in der Liebe"
  • J. S. Bach Trio sonata in G major. 3 airs from sacred chants for soprano, violin or flute and b.c. "BWV 171" Seele, deine Spezereien "BWV 249" Gelobet sei der Herr "BWV 129" Jesus soll mein erstes Wort in dem neuen Jahre heißen" BWV 171 "Seele, deine Spezereien" BWV 249 "Gelobet sei der Herr" BWV 129

In collaboration with Museo Diocesano Tridentino and the local tourist office of San Michele all’Adige

organization: Associazione Festival Musica Sacra