Music, wine culture, photography

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour , Music
[ Provincia Autonoma di Trento | Unità di missione strategica soprintendenza per i beni e le attività culturali]

On Friday 1 September, the Belasi Castle (in Campodenno, in the province of Trento) will host a special evening:

at 17.00, Katia Malatesta and Marta Villa, curators of Un secolo diVino | A Century of Wine. Viticulture in Trentino photography , will offer a guided tour of the exhibition which, through views, portraits and scenes of life - in which the labours of work and moments of celebration coexist -, retraces one hundred years of wine-growing in Trentino through the eyes of the best photographers represented in the Historic Photographic Archive of the Department for Cultural Heritage (’Archivio fotografico storico provinciale).

At 18.00, thanks to the collaboration with the Trento Philharmonic Society, the Belasi Castle will host a significant stage of the Musica con Vista 2023  national festival. For the occasion, the Belinfante Quartet will arrive directly from Holland, to perform music from Menorca, Armenia, Greece, Sardinia and Scotland.

The concert will be followed by a tasting offered by the Bellaveder Winery as part of the partnership with the Movimento Turismo del Vino Trentino-Alto Adige association, which is actively involved in the 'Un secolo diVino' project: in fact it curates the 'Cantina delle Decime' and a social path (@mtvtrentinoaltoadige) that every week, since January, has been highlighting a photograph by Flavio Faganello, selecting it from the provincial collections.

Those who wish will also be offered a visit to the castle and its frescoes, and the contemporary art exhibition Come Pioggia | Like Rain.


- Concert full price ticket Euro 10

- Concert full price ticket Euro 5 - for Philharmonic season subscribers

- Free special admission to the castle from 15.00 to 20.00

- Free guided tours at 17.00 and at 19.00

- Free tasting

- Bar service available

Also in case of bad weather. No booking required.

Info: tel. 348.7081417