The theatre feast

On Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th the «Theatre Feast» opens the 2015/2016 season at the Social Theatre

Drama - suitable for children , families

After the summer live events which animated squares and gardens, the theatre doors open back, and the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara thought it would be nice to salute the start of the new art season by giving the audience a moment of joy. On Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th starting at 15.00, the Social Theatre is going to host in Trento spectators of all ages to captivate them and conquer them with a vortex of emotions.


Friday 16th and Saturday 17th

• Friday and Saturday, at 15.00 – Social Theatre opening and welcome to the audience with the itinerant performance «La meraviglia dei cigni (The marvel of the swans)»

• Friday and Saturday, at 16.00 – Show for children «Storie in viaggio (Tales on the road)» *

• Friday and Saturday, at 17.00 – Show for children «Storie in viaggio (Tales on the road)» *

• Friday and Saturday, at 17.30 – «CIAK SI GIRA… per le vie del teatro (And, action... around the theatre)» ** Sensorial tour of discovery of the Social Theatre

• Friday and Saturday, at 18.00 – Public Rehearsal by the Daniele Finzi Pasca Company ***

• Friday and Saturday, at 18.30 – «CIAK SI GIRA… per le vie del teatro (And, action... around the theatre)» ** Sensorial tour of discovery of the Social Theatre

• Friday and Saturday, at 20,30 – Play «LA VERITÀ (The truth)» by the Daniele Finzi Pasca Company

«CIAK SI GIRA… per le vie del teatro (And, action... around the theatre)»**, the sensorial tour of discovery of the Social Theatre is also scheduled for Saturday 17th October morning starting at 10.00 and 11.00 


*Reservation required at the phone number 800 013952 – To take part at the show “Storie in viaggio (Tales on the road)” please present yourself at the entrance thirty minutes before the start of the play to collect the voucher. The capacity of the reduced-price ticket section, where the play is going to be hold, is of 150 spectators. In case of failing to collect the voucher, the reservation will forfeit 15 minutes before the start.

** Reservation required at the phone number 800 013952 –  The participants are suggested to present themselves in the theatre's hall 15 minutes before each visit. The groups must be of a maximum of 30 spectators

*** The Public Rehearsal by the Daniele Finzi Pasca Company  will be held in the parterre for a maximum of 60 people.

organization: Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara