International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018

27 January 2018. A day like many others. Just something more: Remembrance. Since 2006 this day is linked to a specific event; an event that more than seventy years ago put an end to a dark period in which inhumanity, brutality, prejudice and hatred for diversity brought about many innocent victims.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorates the end of these episodes, the unveiling of the Nazi horrors in the concentration camps, the arrival of the first Soviet tanks at the gates of Auschwitz, where many, too many people had died.
It’s a symbolic date to remember all the victims of persecution and the forgotten of this horror: the elderly, disabled persons, children, men and women ...
This year, among other events organized in Trentino by libraries, institutions and associations, a theatrical show will try to answer the question: how could it all happen? Some answers can be found in the analysis of the effect of mass politics on the peoples subject to dictatorship.
The goal of Remembrance is not just to remember, but to educate to respect for others.
Keeping the memory alive is a must especially for those who have no memories. It’s the young people’s duty to bring with them into the future of humanity this warning and hope: How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. (Anne Frank)