Open Palazzos 2017
The Municipalities of Trentino for the Cultural Heritage: Art, Culture and History
May, Spring time and time for Open Palazzos: a regular event for lovers of art and culture, who at the weekend can admire and enjoy unknown and valuable places, which normally are not open to the public, accompanied by expert guides and art historians.
This is an evocative occasion designed to strengthen the historical and artistic identity of our region, to unveil artistic tricks and fascinating stories that characterized those ancient palaces and paths that can best tell about our cultural reality.
Recounts, squares and palazzos are impressed in the memory of history and do not bend to the inexorable flow of time. Several buildings, houses, churches and itineraries are to be discovered: unknown places which, thanks to the expert guide of art historians, will belong, in some way, to everyone. “Open Palazzos” is a journey to discover the history and art of our territory and is open to everybody.
More than 70 municipalities, some of them for the first time thanks to new forms of collaborations, others for many years, have joined the event, which is organised by the municipality of Trento and supported by the Province.
Download the full programme:
palazzi-aperti_2017.pdf 2,72 MB
- All the visits are subject to charge: each guided tour costs € 5,00
- Free admission for children, young people up to 18 years and disabled people with their helpers.
Reservations are required to participate to the visits of “Open Palazzos 2017” by calling the local tourist office "Azienda per il Turismo Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi" (Piazza Dante, 24) - tel: 0461 216000
open from Monday to Sunday: 9.00 - 19.00
organization: Provincia Autonoma di Trento e Comune di Trento