A goat as a friend
Show by TeatroE

Through the play of theater and fairy tale, the show tells children and adults about one of the natural riches of the Valle dei Mòcheni: the spotted goat, an indigenous breed typical of the Fersina valley and widespread as far as the Pinè Plateau and Valsugana. Adventures, fun and twists in the story of Rebecca, as she travels through various valleys of Trentino in search of her origins.
Based on the book "A Goat as a Friend" by Ierma Sega and Michela Molinari.
Free admission until all available seats are taken
Provincia autonoma di Trento
Soprintendenza per i beni culturali
Ufficio beni archeologici
Via Mantova, 67 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 492161