Botany trekking

“I’ll go to the museum too!”: botany trekking, space and the Middle Ages: the events of the fourth weekend in May in the museums of Rovereto and Vallagarina and at the hydroelectric power plants of Trentino

Cultural exhibitions and events - suitable for children , families
"Al museo ci vado anch'io!" [Ph. © Jacopo Salvi] []

I'll go to the museum too!” is a year of proposals for families every weekend from January to December: workshops and guided tours indoors, but also outdoor activities and discovery trails for children and young people aged 3 - 15. The complete calendar is available online on the website, in the museums of Rovereto, and at the information office of the local tourist (information) office of Rovereto and Vallagarina (in Corso Rosmini 21, in Rovereto).

Botany trekking

An evocative route towards the riverbed of the Sorna stream in a gorge environment that reaches the "Pont del diaol", an ancient bridge that connects Cazzano-Crosano with the village of Cornè.


€ 5,00

Free entry; advance booking is strongly recommended (by it (by midday of Friday 24 May) by Email or by phone 0464 452800;

organization: Azienda per il Turismo Rovereto e Vallagarina

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