Il Poema dei monti naviganti (The poem of the sailing mountains)

Border stories at the centre of history

Drama - suitable for adults , children , families
[ Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi]

Show inspired by the book "La leggenda dei monti naviganti" (“The legend of the sailing mountains”) by Paolo Rumiz

with Roberta Biagiarelli and Sandro Fabiani

stage director: Alessandro Marinuzzi

Rumiz’ work is a long journey that leaves from the sea and ends at the sea; in fact it narrates two journeys on the Alps and on the Apennines (made in 2003 and in 2006). The author says: “I had left to escape from the world, but  I ended up finding a new world: by surprise, the journey revealed to me a secret and lively Italy”.

The event also proposes a parallel offer for children: they will explore adults’ borders through their own eyes and sensitivity.

Through workshops, tales and activities, they will achieve – step by step - a great collective artwork.

The events “The children’s August” are meant for children over 6 years of age and at the same time they allow adults to take part in the scheduled events.

organization: Fondazione Trentina Alcide Degasperi

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