Little princes and princesses enjoy a picnic

On the first Sunday of the month, let's meet at the castle with our little princes and princesses

Cultural exhibitions and events

On Sunday morning the castle will welcome children and their families.

At 10.00 they will take part in a guided tour of the castle which will focus on children's curiosity and needs.

After that, every family will receive a blanket and a wooden box for a special picnic in the garden, containing a delicious sandwich, cold cuts and cheese, an apple, a yogurt and a small cake. Children will also get some small crowns to decorate with rhinestones and to put on their head.

After lunch and after having had fun together, children and their families will enjoy a show organised in collaboration with Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara and, in particular, with the acting companies “Il teatro delle quisquilie” and "I Teatri Soffiati" (until 13.00)

The theatrical shows are suitable for children aged 5 - 10. 

Places are limited, booking is recommended: tel. 0461-921863 -

The event will take place in the open air; should the event be cancelled, you will receive a phone call.


full price: € 20,00; children up to the age of 15: € 5,00 - including guided tour of the castle, theatrical show, picnic in the garden organised by the members of the Strada del Vino e dei Sapori del Trentino.

organization: Strada del Vino e dei Sapori del Trentino.

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