Strolling around Tridentum 2019
Guided tours with theatrical performance and workshops for families

Archaeology for children and families to learn in an easy, immediate and fun way the ancient history of the city of Trento and its inhabitants. This is what "A spasso per Tridentum" (" Strolling around Tridentum 2019" ) is all about, a series of enthralling events organised by the “Servizi educativi” (office for educational activities) of the Department for Cultural Heritage to discover Tridentum S.A.S.S. - Underground Archaeological Site Sas.
€ 2,00; admission to the archaeological site included
Booking required by phone: 0461 230171 (by 13.00 on Saturday 9 February), max 20 children.
organization: Department for Cultural Heritage , Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage