Era una casa molto carina, con il triclinium e con la cucina (It was a very nice house, with a triclinium, with a kitchen)

Step by step, discovering the domus of Oceanus

Meetings and conferences - suitable for families , children
A spasso per Tridentum (© Ph. Michelon) [ Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali - Ufficio Beni Archeologici]

Era una casa molto carina, con il triclinium e con la cucina (It was a very nice house, with a triclinium, with a kitchen): discovering the domus of Oceanus, which is kept in Tridentum S.A.S.S. - Sas Underground Archaeological Site 


€ 2,00; admission to the archaeological site included

Booking required by phone: 0461 230171 (by 13.00 on Saturday 9 February), max 20 children.

organization: Department for Cultural Heritage , Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage

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